
02 December 2005

teste: Qual é o grupo que é a "tua cara"?

The Jesus And Mary Chain

You Are... The Jesus And Mary Chain.

You are moody and unpredictable. You are the
underdog who refuses to sink to the bottom. You
have more talent than you ever really let
anyone know. It almost seems as if you try and
sabotage whatever good things may be going on
in your life, and you often feel like you may
be giving people a bit too much of yourself.
Being in the spotlight is something you find to
be rather uncomfortable though you secretly
yearn to be loved by everyone. You lean toward
things of a darker nature and are prone to self
destructive tendencies. You struggle with
happiness for the simple fact that you seem to
be in love with your misery. You are a realist.

Faz o teste aqui
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At 8:06 AM, Blogger Luis Enrique said...

Sempre gostei muito de este grupo.

At 4:59 PM, Blogger digoeu said...

chute,devias fazer o teste para ver que grupo te calhava!!


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