
05 January 2006

uma curiosidade da Língua Inglesa

A palavra da semana segundo o dicionário MacMillan: set-jetter

cabe nesta designação o turista que procura lugares descritos ou que são cenário de filmes ou livro.(set)

set-jetting acontece com o livro O Código de Da Vinci, já há visitas aos lugares referidos no romance!!

aparece explicado em contexto:

Tourist locations are seeing up to a 30 per cent surge in bookings from “set-jetters”, who like to visit places depicted in films, it was revealed yesterday …’(The Scotsman, 9th August 2005)‘… I am not part of the

‘… I am not part of the phenomenon that is “set-jetting”. This involves holidaying in places purely because they have prominently featured in a book or film.’(The Herald, 10th August 2005)

Top 40 Most Popular New Words of 2005



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